Home Alone: Brooke's Food Survival Guide

Super Beef Burger :)

Ingredients (between 4)

500gm minced beef
1 small beef stock cube, crumbed
1 onion grated
1 tspn cracked pepper
¼ cup stale breadcrumbs
oil for shallow-frying
1 large onion, sliced
4 hamburger rolls
4 slices cheese
1 tomato, sliced
½ punnet of alfalfa sprouts
½ tin beetroot
½ bunch watercress
BBQ sauce


1.   Combine beef, stock cube, grated onion, peppercorns and breadcrumbs in bowl. Divide mixture into 4, roll into balls, flatten slightly.
2.   Shallow fry the patties in hot oil with the extra sliced onions until cooked; drain on absorbent paper.
3.   Toast rolls, fill with patties, onions, BBQ sauce, cheese, tomatoes, sprouts, beetroot and watercress.